Speak Up Policy

Helsinn is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and complying with all applicable financial, legal and regulatory requirements. In support of this commitment, Helsinn creates and maintains a safe environment to raise questions and report, in good faith, concerns without fear of retaliation. 

Helsinn personnel must report, and third parties are encouraged to report, potential misconduct immediately upon discovery. Misconduct consists of any action or situation that violates applicable laws or regulations, the Helsinn Code of Conduct and Ethics, other Helsinn policies and procedures and other ethical or contractual obligations.  

Helsinn offers a variety of ways to report suspected or actual violations, including anonymous reporting. Please refer to the Reporting Channels section.

Speaking Up is encouraged and employees who Speak Up, genuinely and in good faith, are protected.

How to address compliance concerns

In the upcoming pages, you will discover how to address compliance concerns and report potential misconduct. Additionally, you’ll find answers to the main frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to these topics.

Open accordion US Implementation of Compliance Program

Helsinn Therapeutics (U.S.) Inc. has established a comprehensive Compliance Program in accordance with the April 2003 “Compliance Program Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers” (“OIG Guidance”) and the “Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) Code.” To learn more about Helsinn Therapeutics (U.S.) Inc. Compliance Program or to access our annual declaration of compliance with the California Health & Safety Code please click on the following links:


Helsinn Therapeutics (US)., Comprehensive-Compliance Program

Helsinn Therapeutics (US) Inc., Information for Vermont Prescribershttps://www.vtrxlaw.com/

Helsinn Therapeutics (US) Inc., California-Declaration-2024