Please contact us via one of our reporting channels:

  • Regular Reporting Line
  • Email: [email protected]
  • In person:

    • Group Compliance Officer
      6915 Pambio-Noranco
      Lugano, Switzerland
    • HTU Compliance Officer
      170 wood Avenue South
      5th Floor, Iselin, NJ 08830
  • By telephone:
    • Switzerland/Ireland/China
      +41 91 985 1976
      +41 91 985 18 67
    • US
      +1 732 603 2821

Also available anonymous reporting with EthicsPoint

You can file a report via the internet EthicsPoint

Or by telephone:

Switzerland: 0-800-890011 (and entering the code 855-409-0016)

USA & China: 1-855-409-0016

Ireland: +353-800-500-000 (and entering the code 855-409-0016)